With the arrival of summer, there is always an increase in the overall temperature, but also, there are more opportunities for pets and pet owners to go outside and perform some physical activities and exercises, something that is usually in comparatively short supply during winter or other times of the year.
Keeping that in mind, there are plenty of precautions a pet owner must be aware of in order to properly utilize the treats a summer weather offers. Otherwise, your adventures with your pet may become a cautionary tale of how pets can be badly affected by too much exposure to the summer heat. Any pet owner would like to avoid any such scenario and on that note, we will be discussing how to handle the summer heat and its effects when it comes to pets.
How To Protect Pets From Heat?
Pets should be hydrated all the time. All pet owners must make the fresh water available to their pets inside the house as well as outside, preferably in the shade. If you are on the road or taking your pet out for a walk, keep some water with you so that you can give it to your pet and avoid going out during the hottest times of the day. This way, your pets’ chances of dehydration will be lessened considerably.
Sunlight and Heat
While sunlight is good for health up to a certain level, excessive exposure can be really harmful to pets, especially those with a lighter skin tone. It had been evidenced that pets with white skin or similar have more of a chance of getting skin cancer if they are left for too long in the sun. Apply sunscreen when going out and keep your pets safe.
Enclosed Spaces
Make sure your house isn’t too hot during the summer and you have proper ventilation and cooling systems in place. The area where your dog lives must also have the right temperature for the sake of its health. Also, never leave your pets in a car even with partially open windows. That is very dangerous and can severely endanger a pet. Most pets don’t perspire like us humans and increasing temperature with a limited supply of oxygen is as far from ideal circumstance as possible.
How To Identify & Counter Heat Strokes?
If by chance, your pet does get affected by heat, there are a few tell tales. Excessive panting and distressed behaviour are a clear signal that something is wrong. If your pet starts drooling and seems very agitated along with the symptoms mentioned earlier, take it to a vet immediately after wrapping it in a wet towel. The closer you supervise your pet in normal circumstance, the quicker you will be able to identify and solve any problems that arise because of the heat.
If you want to know more about pets, contact SunnydaysPets.co.uk. We like to inform our readers about pets, pet walking, and pet care if they are interested. Call us now at 07828 876 660.